# getent passwd # getent group wheel
# tail -n1 /etc/master.passwd
$ grep passwd /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: files ldap
boot -s
boot bzImage init=/bin/sh 1
# echo ". /etc/ksh.kshrc" >> /etc/skel/.profile
# useradd -m pokus # userdel -r pokus
Similarly, login accounts not allowing password authentication but allowing other authentication methods, for example public key authentication, conventionally have 13 asterisks in the password field.odkud to prislo
# groupadd ftp_filmy # chgrp -R ftp_filmy /mnt/filmy/ # chmod -R g+rwX,o-w /mnt/filmy/
# OLD_GROUPS=`groups <uživatel> | tr " " ","`
# usermod -G ${OLD_GROUPS},wheel <uživatel>
# visudo
$ encrypt -b6 -p "heslo"
# groupadd externisti
# useradd -m -b /mnt/externisti/ potazmo
# echo "g/^#ftp/s/^#//\nw" | ed -s /etc/inetd.conf # pkill -HUP inetd
# tail /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match Group externisti
ForceCommand internal-sftp
ChrootDirectory /mnt/externisti